Thursday, March 13, 2025


Family Stories Month Celebration

D PCM ChildrenMuseumDragon

Weekly Activities at Providence Children???s Museum

November 5 – 12

Family Stories Month Celebration

Sunday, November 5?? ????? 11:00 AM ??? 2:00 PM

Celebrate Family Stories Month and Family Literacy Month with a fun storytelling and even participate in story acting activities!

Underwritten by Hasbro.

Museum Closed – Monday, November 6

Poetry Slam

Tuesday, November 7 ??? Thursday, November 9?? ????? 10:00 AM ??? 3:00 PM

Read and explore different styles of poetry, rearrange our magnetic word wall, write your own funny limerick.

Play and Learn: Ice Cream Shop


Tuesday, November 7 ??????? 10:00 AM ??? Noon

This week, preschoolers practice fine motor skills as they play in a pretend ice cream parlor. Play and Learn is the Museum???s open-ended story-based program especially for 2- to 4-year-olds and their parents, designed to help preschoolers build their skills in a variety of areas and to help parents continue the learning at home.??

Underwritten by Hasbro.

Featured Performer: Bill Harley

Friday, November 10?? ????? 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM & 2:00 PM

Once there was a man whose head was filled with songs and stories. Somehow, they got out?????genuine, irreverent, universal, ridiculous and original, Bill Harley uses song and story to paint a vibrant and hilarious picture of growing up and family life. ??Recipient of two Grammy?? awards, Harley has over a dozen books and 30 recordings and to his credit including his new book series about fourth grader Charlie Bumpers. Bill remembers performing at the Museum???s first location in Pawtucket and is thrilled to be back! Performances at 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM & 2:00 PM; recommended for children ages 5 and up.

Underwritten by Hasbro Storytelling and the Providence Tourism Council.

Maker’s Space????

D PCM MakerSpace????????????????

Saturday, November 11 & Sunday, November 12 ??????? 11:00 AM ??? 2:00 PM

Children have the opportunity to be part of the Maker Movement through building and designing with creative energy to bring their imaginations to life! Children will use recycled and inexpensive materials to create their own special objects or add to a group display.??

Underwritten by Amgen.

Visit for a full calendar of events.

Providence Children???s Museum ??? play is powerful!

The Museum is located at 100 South Street in Providence???s Jewelry District.?? September through March, open Tuesday through Sunday and Monday school holidays, 9 AM to 6 PM, and selected Fridays until 8 PM.?? April through August, open 7 days.?? Programs are free with Museum admission of $9.00 per person; always free for Museum members.??