The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) and Bay Crane Northeast, LLC have reached an accord which satisfies the concerns of both parties about public safety and the integrity of the state’s infrastructure. RIDOT has issued a permit to proceed to Bay Crane and their oversize truck will leave the Route 117 lot at approximately 7:00 p.m. July 10th.
RIDOT Director Peter Alviti said, “Public safety has always been our priority in this matter. It was our job to make sure that the people of Rhode Island were kept safe and that our roads and bridges were not damaged. We have achieved this. This accord also protects the financial interests of the taxpayers of the State with Bay Crane’s agreement to reimburse the State for expenses brought about by the unique nature of this situation.”
As part of the agreement, Bay Crane agrees to:
Issue a $25 million insurance policy with the State of Rhode Island as a co-insured party;
Pay for the cost of the Rhode Island State Police escort;
Reimburse RIDOT $60,000 to cover the unusual circumstances brought about by the unique nature of this incident.
The agreement between Bay Crane and RIDOT sets guidelines for RIDOT’s relationship with Bay Crane in the future.