Saturday, March 15, 2025


Dear Rockport Friends,

A sleepy Rockport election could be more exciting. Right now, the only contested elections are: Board of Selectmen (two people running for one seat) and the Board of Library Trustees (two people for one seat). Both are “open” seats with no incumbent.

Thus far, the “uncontested” seats are: Planning Board (two incumbents for two seats), School Committee (1 person for 1 seat), Housing Authority (1 person for 1 seat), Board of Assessors of Taxes (1 incumbent for 1 seat), Town Clerk (1 incumbent for 1 seat).

I put “uncontested” in quotes because they don’t have to stay uncontested. It’s not too late to pull papers for any of these seats. Candidates that wish to enter the contests can pull papers (at the Town Clerk’s office) and should have signatures submitted by Tuesday, March 25th. (That’s 19 days from now.)

42 signatures are required, which only takes about a few hours at the Rockport transfer station to collect.

You should ask yourself – do I like how this board or that board or these incumbents are deciding policy in town? If not, or if you think town government should take a different approach, or if you have a unique perspective or talent to offer, then now is your chance! Or, if this is not your calling, please feel to forward this to someone that you think might make a good candidate for these positions.

The election will be in May. For more information go to: TOWN OF ROCKPORT


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