Tuesday, February 11, 2025



MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017

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Special Olympics athletes, Congressman Joe Kennedy III and other community leaders including:

  • Collette DiVitto (Collettey???s Cookies, Special Olympics Athlete)
  • Stephen Rothstein (JFK Library & Museum)
  • Tom Grilk (Boston Athletic Association)
  • Bill Alford (Special Olympics International Board member, Harvard University)
  • And representatives from organizations that support individuals with intellectual disabilities, including Massachusetts Arc, Boston Public Schools, Boston Schools Committee, and the Special Olympics Massachusetts Government Affairs Team.

Congressman Joe Kennedy III will be presented with the John ???Jack??? Brett Champion???s Award for his extraordinary accomplishments in improving lives of people with intellectual disabilities. Mr. Kennedy???s legacy of advocacy around education funding has provided innumerable opportunities for inclusion in our public schools.

The award is named in honor of Jack Brett, whose legacy continues to inspire friends and family to advocate for communities of acceptance and inclusion for all.??

Representatives from the John F. Kennedy Library foundation will be in attendance to share in the celebration. While the JFK foundation marks what would have been President Kennedy???s 100th birthday this year, Special Olympics ??? another legacy program left by the Kennedy family???s mission to provide equal opportunities for all ??? is kicking off its 50th anniversary celebration in 2017. Both milestones provide inspiration and opportunity for individuals to become more actively engaged in their community.??

Monday, June 5, 2017, 5:30 ??? 8:00 pm

Lighthouse Ballroom, Seaport Boston Hotel

??1 Seaport Lane

Boston, Massachusetts

  • Special Olympics athletes tell their story
  • Presentation by Jim Brett (brother of Jack)
  • Remarks from Congressman Joe Kennedy

About Collette DiVitto:

Collette DiVitto is a 26-year-old woman who has made a name for herself by baking ???The Amazing Cookie???.?? She operates Collettey???s Cookies out of The Commonwealth Kitchen in Boston and her work has been featured on local and national news programs including the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley and Good Morning America.

This venture was born from her experiences applying for jobs and repeatedly being turned down. She turned her frustration into action and decided to focus on her cookie company. She sells her treats at markets in and around Boston and through her online store.

Ms. Divitto???s goals are much greater than creating the perfect cookie ??? as she says, “I was not only determined to show everyone how capable people with (dis)abilities are, but my mission is to open production facilities across the country and employ thousands of (dis)abled people!??ONLY 17.5%??people with disabilities were employed in 2015.”

About Special Olympics Massachusetts:

Special Olympics Massachusetts provides year-round sports training, athletic competition and other related programming for over 12,000 athletes with intellectual disabilities across the state in over 180 sporting competitions. Through the power of sport, the movement transforms the lives of people with intellectual disabilities, their peers, and communities at-large.?? http://www.specialolympicsma.org