Friday, September 27, 2024


Backpacks and School Supplies Assembly Drive to Benefit Rhode Island Students

People coming together to assemble 15K backpacks and more than 80K school supply items to be distributed to students in local communities

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – The non-profit organization, Back to School Celebration of RI, is hosting a two-day assembly drive welcoming hundreds of volunteers to assemble 15K backpacks and more than 80K school supply items to be distributed to students in local communities. State and local officials, major sponsors, key partners and volunteers will be available during the second day of a two-day operation, to speak on the value of education and invite families and students to the 25th Annual Backpack distribution scheduled on August 24th.

This is the 25th Anniversary of this program and marks the beginning of a phenomenal partnership with Cardi’s Furniture & Mattresses, Ocean State Job Lot and WPRI 12.


BACKPACK ASSEMBLY DRIVE FOR THE 25th Annual Back to School Celebration of RI


Saturday, August 10, 2024, 9:00-10:00am


Sodexo Warehouse

25 Royal Little Drive, Providence, RI 02904


Back to School of RI-Board of Directors

Over 100+ Volunteers

Grace Gonzalez, Board Chair – Back to School Celebration of RI

Doris De Los Santos, Board Vice-Chair – Back to School Celebration of RI

Lt. Governor Sabina Matos

State of RI Treasurer, James Diossa

City of Providence Mayor, Brett Smiley

Commissioner Angelica Infante Green

DOH, Medical Director for Community, Health, and Equity, Dr. Olutosin “Tosin”

Neighborhood Health Plan of RI CEO Peter Marino

Providence Public Schools Superintendent Javier Montanez

Jason Hernandez, Coast1 Bank

Brett Nadeau, Sodexo District Manager

CVS Health, Mayra J. Meza & Cassandra Charette

Angela Li from RI Energy

About the Back to School Celebration of RI:  For 25 years the organization has served thousands of families statewide by providing the necessary resources for each child to be successfully prepared for their school year. The Back to School Celebration program, which started with only 600 backpacks and a few school supplies at a single site, has now expanded to 15,000 backpacks and supplies at ten community sites throughout the state. The Back to School Celebration of Rhode Island is a 501 c3 non-profit organization created to involve parents in the education of their children, helping to create an atmosphere of trust and open communication between schools, students, and families.

| | Providence | RI | 02907


Back to School Celebration of Rhode Island


Doris M. De Los Santos




Campaña de ensamblaje de mochilas y útiles escolares para beneficio de los estudiantes de RI

La comunidad y voluntarios de corporaciones ensamblan 15,000 mochilas y más de 80,000 útiles escolares para distribuir a los estudiantes de las comunidades locales.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – La organización sin fines de lucro, Back to School Celebration of RI, está organizando una campaña de ensamblaje de dos días y dará la bienvenida a cientos de voluntarios para ensamblar 15,000 mochilas y más de 80 000 artículos escolares que se distribuirán gratuitamente a los estudiantes en las comunidades locales el 24 de agosto. Funcionarios estatales y locales, los principales patrocinadores, y voluntarios estarán disponibles durante el segundo día del operativo para hablar sobre el valor de la educación e invitar a las familias y los estudiantes a la 25ª distribución anual de mochilas programada para el 24 de agosto.

Este año se celebra el 25.º aniversario de este programa y marca el comienzo de una asociación fenomenal con Cardi’s Furniture & Mattresses, Ocean State Job Lot y WPRI 12.



25ava. Celebración Anual de Regreso a la Escuela de RI


Sábado, 10 de Agosto, 2024  –  9:00-10:00 A.M.


Sodexo (Almacen)

25 Royal Little Drive, Providence, RI 02904


La Junta Directiva del Back to School RI

100+ Voluntarios

Grace Gonzalez, Board Chair-Back to School Celebration of RI

Doris De Los Santos, Board Vice-Chair-Back to School Celebration of RI

Lt. Governor Sabina Matos

State of RI Treasurer, James Diossa

City of Providence Mayor, Brett Smiley

Commissioner Angelica Infante Green

DOH, Medical Director for Community, Health, and Equity, Dr. Olutosin “Tosin” offers remarks Neighborhood Health Plan of RI CEO Peter Marino

Providence Public Schools Superintendent Javier Montanez

Jason Hernandez, Coast1 Bank

Brett Nadeau, Sodexo District Manager

CVS Health, Mayra J. Meza & Cassandra Charette

Angela Li from RI Energy

Acerca del Back to School Celebration of RI (La Celebración de Regreso a la Escuela de RI): Durante 25 años, la organización ha servido a miles de familias en todo el estado proporcionando los recursos necesarios para que cada niño esté preparado con éxito para su año escolar. El programa de celebración de regreso a la escuela, que comenzó con solo 600 mochilas y algunos útiles escolares en un solo sitio, ahora se ha expandido a 15,000 mochilas y útiles en dieez sitios comunitarios en todo el estado. El Back to School Celebration of Rhode Island es una organización sin fines de lucro 501 c 3 creada para involucrar a los padres en la educación de sus hijos, ayudando a crear una atmósfera de confianza y comunicación abierta entre escuelas, estudiantes y familias. | Providence | RI | 02907