Thursday, January 23, 2025



The Downtown Gateway Project Contains the former “Apex Pyramid” and “George’s Games” buildings

PAWTUCKET – The Pawtucket Redevelopment Agency (“PRA”), in coordination with the City of Pawtucket, seeks development proposals for the Downtown Gateway Project. This is the next step in the continued effort to redevelop approximately 20 acres located in the Pawtucket Redevelopment Area. It seeks to build upon over $150 million in public/private investments made in recent years.

“The downtown area of the City of Pawtucket is truly transforming before our eyes,” said Mayor Donald R. Grebien. “We are excited to begin receiving proposals for roughly twenty acres of land, known as the Downtown Gateway Project. This area will truly complement the Tidewater Stadium, Landing area, and pedestrian bridge that are already under construction. We look forward to seeing what is presented to us.”

Proposals are being sought to develop – all or in part – the following parcels:

AddressSquare Feet
46 Main St.23,634
10 School St.29,479
33 Main St.31,797
101 Main St.57,063
100 Main St.395,960
Broadway – Plat 2250,965
68 Broadway24,008

Given the relatively open nature of this RFP and the opportunities contained within this process, the solicitation and selection process will be flexible. The PRA intends to identify thoughtful, capable, and proven respondents who can help implement the overall vision and help catalyze the redevelopment of the overall area by doing the following:

Revitalize the Downtown Gateway by replacing current vacant, underutilized, and blighted buildings and land areas with active uses – built for the decades to come and to reflect current and recent local investments.

Establish a framework for investment, economic development, and job growth.

Complement downtown, the newly established Tidewater Landing development, soccer stadium, and other new investments.

Connect to existing amenities and infrastructure including the Slater Mill, parks, and the Riverfront.

Provide an attractive and inviting “front door” to the City from Interstate 95

Overall, the Gateway district must include:

Recreational component. This may include, but not be limited to, play structures, splash pads, and other public recreation spaces.

Reactivating the Seekonk and Blackstone Rivers by providing riverfront access. Proposals should include a greenway along the river, with pedestrian connections to the south along the river, to the Tidewater redevelopment.

The timeline for proposals is as follows:

RFP Released…………………………………………… July 15 2024

Site Visit (not Mandatory) …………………………. August 5 10:00 AM

Questions Due…………………………………………. August 13  by 5:00PM

Questions Answered…………………………………. August 22

RFP Responses Due………………………………….. September 17 by 5:00 PM

Interviews, as needed ………………………………. Week of Sept. 23+ Sept. 30

Selection of Developer………………………………. October 2024

The RFP can be found on the City’s website at: