Friday, September 20, 2024


Enough of Duff! Time for Ring!


I am writing with some exciting news! I am putting forth my hat in the ring (with my Ring Hat) to seek the Republican nomination for the office of Register of Deeds, Essex Southern District! This district stretches along 30 towns and cities in Essex County. To see which towns and cities are in the district, go here: This is an open seat and a chance for change!

With the Republican presidential primary behind us, now begins the hard work of uniting our party to not just defeat Democrats but to provide Massachusetts a viable two-party system! While we may not always agree on whom to support for president, I think we can agree that Democrats have badly mis-managed our state, and we need to provide an alternative view and management style. Therefore, not only do I seek this nomination, but I also want to encourage more Republicans to run for office, and for all Republicans and even un-enrolled conservative and moderate voters to join with us! If you want to learn more about how to run for the various state or federal positions (i.e. State Rep, state senator, Governor’s Council, etc.) go to: Nomination Papers Now Available for 2024 Candidates (

So why Register of Deeds? Simply put, I feel blessed to live and work in the North Shore community. I was also blessed to serve my local community as an elected member, and as chair, of the Rockport Housing Authority from 2016 – 2021, and just a few days ago I was blessed to receive the highest number of votes for the Rockport Republican Town Committee election News (

But as blessed as I feel – I am also troubled by the direction our state is heading from its draconian push of the MBTA zoning mandates, unaffordable homeownership, and mismanagement of our state by Democrat elites! It’s all costly to us the taxpayer! And I’m troubled by the entrance in the Registry of Deeds race by a machine Democrat politician Eileen Duff! Duff to pursue register of deeds post in 2024 | Election | As you may recall – Duff, as a current member of the Governor’s Council, is no stranger to using her influence to try to either push for or derail judicial nominees – going so far as to attempt a religious test on one prospective  judicial nominee: UPDATE: Gloucester councilor quizzes judicial nominee about religious beliefs | Local News | And despite the fact that the Massachusetts Bar vetted and did not find another judicial nominee, Ed O’Reilly, had the qualifications for an endorsement, Duff still persisted to play politics and push for that candidate: Bar group blocks lawyer’s chance at judgeship | Local News | Is it because she thought he was qualified or is it because he contributed a lot of money to her campaigns: OCPF – OCPF: Registered Filers? With a record like this, how would she staff the registry if she gets elected?

This pay to play scheme is one of the reasons our government is mismanaged – And therefore, we’ve had not only enough of that – But we’ve had Enough of Duff! I am asking you to join me in this campaign, to not only restore proper management of our commonwealth, but to stop the pay for play mismanagement of the Democratic party! This campaign will not be easy – my potential opponent has a head start by over a $100,000 and years of being part of the Democrat party machine establishment! If I am going to mount a successful campaign and make the race competitive, then I will need your help in the following  ways!

Please Donate to my campaign. Go to: Donate ( – it helps buy social media ads, literature, targeted mailers, signs and much more. 

SIGN my nomination papers – Signatures Due by April 30th – I can’t get far if I’m not on the Ballot. If you live in one of the cities or towns listed here: and would like to sign my nomination papers (and even help me collect signatures) email me at

Community events – if there are events in the district (town meetings, town fairs, Republican meetings, sportsman’s club meetings, etc) that you think I should attend please let me know about it.

Signs – if you would like a Lawn Sign, let me know. Signs will come out after I qualify for the ballot! 

To learn more about me and my platform, you can visit my website: About ( Once again, I really appreciate your consideration and any support you can give me. God bless you and God bless our country!


Jonathan Ring

Candidate for Register of Deeds