Friday, September 20, 2024



Sunday, January 14, 3:30 pm
First Unitarian Church, Providence

Purchase concert tickets online, here

This Harpsichord Salon features a bouquet of delights
from the final flowering of French harpsichord music.

Music by Jacques Duphly, who died one day after
the storming of the Bastille, combines the luscious harmonies of courtly French music with the virtuosity and
popular appeal of newly fashionable Italian concertos.

Enjoy the compositions of Jacques Duphly,
plus Marie-Emanuelle Bayon, Joseph Boismortier, François Couperin  Élisabeth Jacquet De La Guerre.

“Byron Schenkman fairly stole the show…
intense and commanding yet effortless and virtuosic”
– Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

For more information about our concert events, click here

Now, more than ever, we value the joy that live performance brings,and in particular want to thank the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts for ongoing support to make these concerts a possibility,
and keeping our local musicians employed!

Your own generous donations will help keep the music playing.

Thank you and see you at the concerts!

L. Frederick Jodry V
President, Museum Concerts