Do you want to learn how to be more productive, procrastinate less and accomplish your goals?
Create YOUR amazing life through goal setting.
Tuesday April 4th??
12PM – 1PM??
The Empowerment Factory presents??
“Break Free & Create your Ideal Life“
Presented by Shari Ahlers
People tend to be more focused on what they DO NOT want rather than what they DO want. ??Many do not know the difference between a DREAM OF the future and a GOAL FOR their future. ??Knowing what goals you want to create is imperative for making it a reality. ??When people are aware of what they are doing AND given the skills to adopt new strategies to shift their perspective, it creates a totally different future.
In this class we will be covering the following:
- The difference between a DREAM and a GOAL.
- How to bring focus and clarity to your life with goal setting.
- What is the difference between a GLOBAL goal and a SMART goal, and how and why they are formulated.
- How does having goals enhance your life?
- Why does having more than one goal enhance your life?
- Learn how and why the most successful people in life have goals and use them daily.??
Learn the right steps you need to take in the creating the life you’ve always wanted but have never quite seem to achieve.??
Attendance is FREE but you must preregister.