EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. ??? The Cat Fanciers’ Federation, in conjunction with the non-profit club “Purrfect Feline Friends,” will hold their annual “Swing Into Spring” Allbreed cat show on April 22 & 23.??
Many breeds of felines will be shown and will compete for “purrfection” in four different rings.
Categories include Championship, Grand and Master Grand Championship, a kitten division, and Household Pet.
See judging of purebred cats and household pets.
Vote for your favorite cat in show, enter the raffle, and see the crowning of the King and Queen of Household Pets!
Local Rescue Massachusetts Feline Intervention Alliance will be on hand with handmade gifts for cats and cat lovers.
Breakfast and lunch items will be available for purchase in the show hall.
The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Holy Ghost Brotherhood Santa Maria 846 Broadway, in East Providence.
Come see the Parade of Perfection of beautiful cats and kittens, spectators welcome!
Admission: $5 adults, $3 seniors & children 5+, under 5 – free For more information, please contact show managers Karen Bernier at (401)954-2267 or Elena Pearson at (401)333-1984.