Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Pawtucket Parks & Recreation Division Announce Spring Wellness Classes


The Pawtucket Parks & Recreation Division has announced their lineup of recreational and wellness classes and programs for the upcoming spring season.?? These classes will be held at the Jenks Junior High School and the Agnes Little School for an eight week session, unless otherwise noted.

Adult classes include Zumba, Pilates, Muscle Toning, Hi-Low, Step and Dance Aerobics along with Yoga, Ballroom Dancing, Drums Alive and Line Dancing.?? These classes begin the week of March 27, with the exception of adult Yoga classes which will begin Monday, April 3.?? Prices for these classes vary and some are subject to a two night discount option.

Children???s classes are held at Jenks Junior High School on Saturday mornings and include Gymnastics, Arts & Crafts along with children???s Yoga.?? There are various levels of the gymnastics program depending on age and experience.?? Program details along with direct contact to the instructors can be done through Facebook under the ???Pawtucket Parks & Rec Gymnastics??? page.

The Pawtucket Parks & Recreation / Pawtucket Public Library Spring program outlines the schedule and details to these and other recreation and wellness programs and events.?? Booklets can be found at Pawtucket City Hall, the Pawtucket Public Library, Slater Memorial Park and various locations throughout the City?? during the week of March 20.?? These booklets, as well as class registration forms, are currently available on-line at the City of Pawtucket website, www.pawtucketri.com.?? Click the ???Departments??? tab, the ???Parks & Recreation??? tab, ???Forms and Flyers??? tab followed by the 2017 Spring booklet or Spring exercise flyer.?? Registrations may be completed at the Slater Park Office starting on March 13, Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.?? For additional details, call a representative at the Slater Park Recreation Office at 728-0500 ext 251

???????????????? John N. Blais

?????????????? Recreation Director

???????????? City of Pawtucket

Parks & Recreation Division

?????? 401-728-0500???? ext?? 257

???????????????? fax: 401-729-4712

?? JBlais@pawtucketri.com