Friday, September 20, 2024



2022 Massachusetts Cranberry Crop Up 31% From Previous Year



CONCORD, NH — Massachusetts 2022 cranberry production totaled 2.26 million barrels in 2022, up 31% from 2021’s production, according to King Whetstone, acting state statistician of the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Northeast Regional Field Office.


Growers harvested 11,600 acres of cranberries, 100 acres more than the previous year.


Yields averaged 194.7 barrels per acre, compared with 150.2 barrels per acre a year earlier.


The 2022 price for Massachusetts fresh cranberries averaged $49.20 per barrel, up from $47.40 in 2021.


The 2022 price for processed cranberries averaged $36.60 per barrel, down from $37.60 in 2021.     


Wisconsin continues to be the largest cranberry producing State with 4.83 million barrels in total utilized production. United States 2022 total cranberry utilized production is estimated at 8.01 million barrels, up 16% from 2021.


Harvested acreage totaled 37,100 acres, down 500 acres from the previous season.


The average yield, at 217.2 barrels per acre, was up 17% from the previous year.


The United States 2022 price for fresh cranberries averaged $80.90 per barrel and processed cranberries averaged $36.60 per barrel.