Monday, October 28, 2024


2022 Fall Artists of the Month Lineup Attleboro Arts Museum Community Gallery


What are you? by Marnie Jain, Sept. Artist of the Month, collage


September 2nd – 30th: “Curios – Objects of Curiosity” A Series of Collage by Marnie Jain


October 5th – 29th: “Mist/Missed” A Series of Mixed Media by Margo Lemieux


November 2nd – 19th: “Journey of the Lotus” A Series of Photography by Donna Parker


The Community Gallery is located in the lobby of the Attleboro Arts Museum’s Emory Street entrance. For over a decade the Museum has been pleased to offer this prominent gallery space as an exhibition opportunity for both promising and professional artist members. September Artist of the Month –Marnie Jain of Lancaster, MA.


Marnie has been working in the medium of collage for over ten years. She enjoys how the limitations of the medium require her to adapt, let go, and be more creative.


This fits well with her love of storytelling and tendency to anthropomorphize animals.


In this series of work, she takes it a step farther by introducing inanimate objects as characters interacting with living creatures.


Most of her collages depict the natural world.


Here, the environments of the animals are changed by the presence of objects. As the characters in this series interact, the viewer is offered an opportunity to observe common themes like curiosity and trust.


That seemingly opposite beings would have a meaningful encounter is consistent with the artist’s vision and experience of how everything is connected and how we seek connection.


Ultimately, every character in this series and every interaction might be considered a manifestation of the artist’s muse, playful, strange, and often steeped in ambiguity, but always curious. Marnie explains, “Imagination is the greatest tool. Scissors and glue are mere accomplices.”


Marnie is a self-taught artist who has complemented her artistic development with classes and courses in colleges and adult education programs throughout the years.


She received a Bachelor of Education from Antioch College (Yellow Springs, OH) in 1992 and a Masters in Critical and Creative Thinking from the University of Massachusetts, Boston in 2010.


These educational experiences and her life experiences have influenced her subject matter and process. She began exhibiting her work through the Jamaica Plain Open Studios in 2007.


She has since broadened her exhibit opportunities including participation in several exhibits at the Attleboro Arts Museum.


She is an Artist Member at the AAM and at the Jamaica Plain Artist Association.


Being part of an art community is important to Marnie as opportunities for growth as well as a chance to encourage and support other artists as they have done with her.