Saturday, October 5, 2024


Notes from Commissioner Infante-Green



There are few words that adequately describe our sentiment to the tragic shooting that took the precious lives of school children and teachers, and injured and traumatized their community, in Uvalde, Texas Tuesday. First and foremost, on behalf of the people of Rhode Island, we want to express our sincere and deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this horrendous crime.  


Please know our state of Rhode Island is putting every resource at its disposal into protecting students and educators. But living in the wake of this horrific violence is dangerous in its own way: this heightened level of stress is toxic and traumatic, and the consequences are real. Please, make sure that you are taking steps to protect your own mental wellbeing.


Resources are available to you through RIDE, which you can find here


Today, we mourn the lives of the precious children and caring adults who dedicated their lives to educating our youngest learners. In our grief, we must unite to stand up against the gun violence that is plaguing America and prevent it from taking root here at home.  


It’s time for action, here in Rhode Island and in our nation’s capital. Enough is enough.  

With a heavy heart,  

Angélica Infante-Green