Thursday, October 24, 2024


Help clean up the Richardson Preserve on April 23


As previously announced, the Attleboro Land Trust will hold a clean-up this Saturday, April 23, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.  We would welcome your help.


 The location will be the Richardson Nature Preserve, 577B Wilmarth Street.

Maintenance activities will include:


— Raking lawn areas


— Weeding gardens


— Pruning bushes


— Removing invasive plants


— Trimming low-hanging branches


— Boardwalk maintenance (cleaning out the gaps between deck boards)


— Maintenance to the exterior of the Barrows House (re-applying putty to windows, caulking cracks in window frames)

Tools needed may include:


— Shovels


— Standard rakes and leaf rakes


— Loppers, pruning shears, pruning saws, and other pruning tools


— String trimmers, weed whackers, brush cutters


— Trowels and any weeding tools


— Cordless drill


— Lawn mower

We will have some tools, but please bring what you have.

Dress accordingly for protection against poison ivy and ticks. Insect repellent will be supplied. Please bring your own:


— Work gloves


— Water

Volunteers under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.  

Any cancellations due to weather will be posted on our website

Thanks to everyone who helped at our April 16 clean-up.  As Earth Day is this week, ours is one of several clean-ups happening on April 23.  We are planning yet another clean-up on April 30, location to be announced.