Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Your Support is Needed for the Solar Bill THIS THURSDAY at the State House


Dear RI Interfaith Power and Light members and friends,


We’re writing about a short-notice opportunity for pivotal climate action this Thursday at the RI State House! 


The “100% By 2030 Renewable Energy Standard” bill will receive its hearing in the House Environment Committee. Former Gov. Raimondo first proposed upgrading our state to 100% renewable electricity within a decade, back in 2020. An independent report showed that it would be not only feasible, but foundational and necessary for achieving our pollution-reduction goals. 


In 2021, the proposal was championed by Senate President Ruggerio and passed the Senate overwhelmingly, 32–4. But in the House of Representatives, Speaker Shekarchi never let it come up for a vote!

This year, the bill has been re-introduced as House Bill 7277. It has a strong sponsor (Rep. Deb Ruggiero) and broad support. This bill has a realistic chance of passing and would be a game changer for Rhode Island, the region, and the nation. Help make it happen!


Here’s a link with more information and quick steps (~10 second effort) from Climate Action RI to send a letter to your state representative about it


In short, this bill will update the Renewable Energy Standard to achieve 100% renewable electricity in Rhode Island by 2030, and create a path to reaching the emission reduction targets of the 2021 Act On Climate by incentivizing additional renewable energy development. It is the #1 priority bill of Climate Action Rhode Island and the Rhode Island Climate Crisis Campaign.


We’re helping them spread the word across the state and urge people to show up on Thursday March 10th (by 4:45 if possible, but anytime before 6pm is ok) and:


Wear a green T-shirt if you can!


After going through security, turn right and find your way to Room 101.


Sign the sign-in sheet stating you’re a supporter of House Bill 7277.


You don’t need to give testimony—your presence alone will have an impact.


Parking in the state office lots is free after 4:00.


You can RSVP here to receive updates about the event


Parking in the state office lots is free after 4:00.


You can RSVP here to receive updates about the event: 


Your RI IPL board