House Legislation is a Framework for Sustainable Recovery; Lawmakers Should Consider Amendments for Affordable Transit and Complete Streets
BOSTON , October 25, 2021 —
“The Massachusetts House of Representatives American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) initial spending proposal wisely frames climate change mitigation as fundamental to a strong and equitable recovery.
Transportation for Massachusetts encourages the legislature to incorporate sustainable transportation as complementary to this approach.
We urge legislators to consider amendments that will prepare the Commonwealth for federal infrastructure funding, and will help set the stage for future transportation progress all across Massachusetts.
By including means-tested fares on public transit and increased Complete Streets investments for walking, biking and economic development, the legislature through this bill can take important strides toward the transportation system a sustainable, equitable recovery demands.”
Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA) is a diverse coalition of more than 100 member and partner organizations with a stake in improving transportation across the Commonwealth. Our coalition advocates at the state, federal, and local levels for transportation policies that are innovative, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. We want a transportation system that strengthens our economy and our communities, while also being safer, healthier, more affordable and reliable. Learn more at