Good afternoon SNEP Partners,
We’d like to invite you to join EPA on April, 28 1:00-2:30PM for a special SNEP webinar:
Addressing Stormwater Management Through Community-Driven Green Infrastructure Design
Stormwater controls are necessary municipal operations, but they can be costly, sometimes ineffective, and often poorly maintained. Moreover, conventional stormwater controls are either out of sight (catch basins and storm drains) making their purpose invisible to the public, or they are too visible, barricaded in concrete and fencing and making them eyesores to the surrounding community.
But there is a better way. Green infrastructure (rain gardens, daylighted streams, tree planting, floodable parks) handles stormwater efficiently while also offering tangible benefits to local neighborhoods – protection from flooding, increased public space amenities and property values, reduced heat impacts, and even a better sense of place and social spirit. Communities directly involved in designing green infrastructure controls are more likely to see their residents’ well-being increase while achieving cost-effective stormwater management. The goal of this webinar is to discuss how community-driven green infrastructure can achieve necessary stormwater management goals while also improving community well-being.
For more information on the event, click here.
Restore America’s Estuaries
Director, SNEP Watershed Grants