Monday, October 7, 2024


Season’s Greetings

First, let me send you best wishes for this Holiday Season – we are all missing the usual December rush of concerts – and we hope that this terrible Pandemic will relent by Spring.


Particularly, I want to reach out and thank those of you who supported our Fall Festival of chamber music – it was good to be able to play together, and we appreciated hearing from many of you how much you NEED live music. I sincerely hope we can present more concerts by Spring and Summer 2021.


For those of you who were not able to attend, below you will find a video link to listen to excerpts from the three Fall concerts–the program is listed below with the link. I hope you will enjoy hearing some of what transpired in the Fall.


In the spring we expect to offer a Memorial Concert for Judson Griffin who passed away last April. Judson was a long time Board Member and violinist extraordinaire; his loss still feels shocking. We will stay in touch via email, and will list events on our website when it is possible to play music again.


If you have not given your annual contribution, or would like to help us honor Judson Griffin, we welcome your year-end donations to keep the music flowing!


Kindly send a generous check to:


Museum Concerts, Box 23055, Providence RI 02903

Happy Holidays, and Best Wishes or the NEW YEAR 2021!

Frederick Jodry, President, Museum Concerts

Providence Baroque Orchestra, 2019, with Music Director, Judson Griffin

Enjoy videos of three Museum Concert performances here: