Sunday, October 6, 2024


You’re not alone this holiday season…..

This year has been anything but normal. As 2020 comes to an end, I know many of us are looking forward to leaving this unprecedented year behind. This has been a year of loss for many families, and a heartbreaking number of Rhode Islanders are facing holidays without their closest loved ones. Others are having a tough time celebrating the holidays in a socially restricted manner. Like me, they miss the usually gregarious nature of our holiday season. We also have Rhode Islanders who are struggling through the hardships the pandemic has inflicted on our economy.

If you’ve felt down these past couple of weeks, please know you are not alone. 

During this pandemic, we’ve heard a lot about taking care of our physical health by social distancing, wearing masks and washing our hands. But many of us, including myself, often forget that our mental health is just as important and requires the same kind of diligence. 

With the holidays near and many of us fortunate to have some time off, let’s take advantage of these quieter moments to recognize our feelings and center ourselves. For some of us it might mean finding solace in our individual religious traditions. Others might also try to Zoom, Skype or FaceTime with family and friends. And if you are one of the many Americans struggling this holiday season, remember that you are not alone and sometimes asking for help is the bravest move you can make. I’ve included a list below of resources that are set up and intended to support you.

Take care. I wish you and yours a safe, healthy and happy holiday! 


Nellie Gorbea