Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Dear Friend,


Monday I was honored to preside over the Electoral College in Rhode Island. 

This ceremonial election which dates back over 200 years marked the successful win by Joseph R. Biden as President and Kamala D. Harris as Vice President.


Monday also marked the conclusion of my ministerial duties for the 2020 election. Duties that I’m proud to have shared with my amazing team at the Department of State, my colleagues at the RI Board of Elections, the hardworking clerks of our cities and towns and the thousands of Rhode Island voters from all walks of life who served as poll workers. 


This was a record setting election with over 520,000 Rhode Islanders voting during a global pandemic. As President-elect Biden said tonight, it was “the clearest demonstration of the will of the American people.”  


As we close out the Electoral College – and as we close out 2020 – I’d like to remind all Rhode Islanders of the motto our state was founded on some 400 years ago – Hope.

Bishop Jeffrey Williams said it so well in his invocation today – now is the time for us to come together as a state and as a country to work towards the common Hope of a better tomorrow.


Each of us has the power to play a role in making that Hope a reality. We can do so by seeking new ways to communicate, work and live with each other… even if we don’t always agree on things. 


This election proved that when we work together we can make government work for the people. 


I look forward to working with Rhode Islanders as we begin this next chapter in our nation’s history. 

Warmly and with hope,

Nellie Gorbea

Rhode Island Secretary of State