Thursday, January 30, 2025


Notes from Commissioner Infante-Green



The Facts Are in Charge


Let me start out again by thanking everyone involved in education in Rhode Island for working so hard to get ready for the return to school on August 31.


It will take our entire community working together to make sure we get our teachers teaching and students learning on the first day of school.


This week, I had the opportunity to appear with Governor Raimondo at her weekly press conference (Wednesdays at 1 pm) and during a Facebook Live forum (Thursdays at 3 pm) to discuss the latest facts regarding our preparation for school.


During both events, we had medical and public health experts to share the latest information on the COVID-19 pandemic and how the experts approach making decisions regarding safety.


We plan to continue these two regular appearances through the first week of September. 


During this planning period, we need to rely on the expertise of the medical professionals regarding what is safe, just as we trust that our school communities will rely on our judgment regarding what is best for the educational needs of our students.


The facts are in charge, both of our planning process and how we approach school this fall.


Here are some key facts you can share: 


The plans that our districts publish on their websites on July 31 will address a full range of scenarios, from full distance learning to full in-person learning.


We will continue to work with RIDOH and other medical experts to make sure the plans reflect the latest public health guidance.


And the decision on which scenario we will be using on August 31 will be made based on science, the latest data and the most recent public health information available.


Keep up the great work, and stay tuned for more updates on our work together as we continue to collaborate during these critical weeks.

