Monday, October 7, 2024


Notes from Commissioner Infante-Green

Public Health Drives Our Decisions


Today marks the latest milestone in our collective response to the COVID-19 pandemic. By the end of the day, we will have draft reopening plans from all 64 of our LEAs.


Thank you for all the work you have done to prepare for school under the full range of conditions we may face in the coming year.


Over the next two weeks, RIDE will be working with our LEA colleagues to ensure the final plans put communities first. We will review the plans and offer suggestions on how to protect the health and safety of our school communities and ensure that students get the best education possible.


The final plans will be published on LEA websites by July 31.


Public health will drive all reopening decisions, and RIDE is working closely with our colleagues at the RI Department of Health to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic in our communities.


We expect to make preliminary determinations on which scenarios schools should plan for in early August, with final determinations closer to the opening of schools statewide on August 31.


RIDE will continue to communicate regularly on the status of the planning process and how we are working to ensure a safe reopening of schools this fall.


We will also be supporting LEA leaders as they engage with their communities to share their plans; listen to the concerns of families, students, and staff; and adjust their plans as they learn more.


Thank you again for working so hard to assure a safe reopening of schools.
