Monday, October 7, 2024


“For my part, I’ve always marveled at Hillsdale College’s long, and often lonely, stand for freedom in America.” —Vice President Mike Pence, in his address to the Hillsdale College Class of 2018  

Dear Fellow American,

There was a time many years ago when college campuses were the focal point of passionate yet civil debate.

Opposing views were presented and debated; differing outlooks were respected, and minds were even changed.

But with the progressive takeover of campus life came a shift in attitude, in which conservative views became merely tolerated or worse.

Today, American college campuses have reached a low point, with conservatives being disinvited to speaking engagements—and in many cases being shouted down or worse.

We do things differently at Hillsdale College.

In May of 2018, Hillsdale welcomed Vice President Mike Pence as our commencement speaker.  

It was my honor as Hillsdale’s president to share the stage with Vice President Pence.

And I am happy to tell you that even those graduating students who did not agree with the Vice President on every issue, still listened to him with respect and with open minds.


It’s fitting, then, that in his speech, the Vice President celebrated the purposes that Hillsdale College has served since its founding 175 years ago—learning, character, faith, and freedom.

These purposes have guided our work at Hillsdale since 1844.

And they guide it still today—in our classrooms, in our publications including Imprimis, in our free online courses, at our Kirby Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C., and in our work founding classical K-12 charter schools nationwide.

When Vice President Pence spoke to Hillsdale’s Class of 2018, he knew that he was looking out at something special.

That’s because he knew that Hillsdale is one of only a handful of American colleges and universities that still requires all students, regardless of their major, to complete a one-semester course on the Constitution.

Upon their arrival as freshmen, Hillsdale students sign an honor code that connects education to the virtues required for self-government.

I am proud of the many Hillsdale alumni who hold positions in the White House, on Capitol Hill, and in state and local government, as well as those who have found success in military service, business, law, medicine, the arts, and in all walks of life.

The unique learning that takes place here deeply impacts our country and our culture.

And as part of our educational mission, we carry out a national outreach effort on behalf of liberty.

Citizens of all ages must become more knowledgeable about American history and the Constitution so that they can bring that knowledge to bear on the political life of our nation.

And I’m inviting you, as someone who understands the vital importance of education to the preservation of free government, to be a part of this work today.

Would you take just a moment and read about Hillsdale’s national outreach efforts and how you can be a part of this effort?

You can learn how to join our educational mission by using the secure and convenient link below.

Reflecting on Vice President Pence’s address here at Hillsdale, I was moved when he told our graduates: “I encourage you to take your convictions into every facet of your life. Add your voices and your values to this great American experiment.”

Learn how you can amplify your voice and impact by using on the secure link above. Thank you for reading my note!

Warm Regards,

Larry P. Arnn
President, Hillsdale College
Pursuing Truth and Defending Liberty Since 1844

P.S. Hillsdale College conducts a vast educational outreach effort aimed at cultivating intelligent patriotism and defending liberty.

You can learn more about these vital efforts on behalf of liberty by using the secure and convenient link below.