Thursday, March 13, 2025



The Pawtucket Parks & Recreation Division will be accepting summer employment job  applications starting Tuesday, May 26 through Friday, June 5 for individuals 16 years of age or older.  Counselor-in –training positions are non-paid positions in the summer camp program and are available for those 14 – 16 years of age.

There are limited vacancies for summer camp counselor and pool attendants.  All candidates must be available for employment throughout the entire duration of the program, with no interruption.  This will include attending mandatory training workshops.  These specifics are outlined in the application packet that can be found at the City of Pawtucket website under the Parks and Recreation Departments tab, followed by the Summer Employment tab which can be found on the left side. All applicants for these specific positions must be a resident of Pawtucket.

Applications are also available at the Slater Park Office located at 825 Armistice Boulevard during operational hours of 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.  Please be sure to follow State COVID-19 protocols before entering the Office, which includes the wearing of a face covering.

Applications must be completed and returned to the Slater Park Office by June 5 at 4:30 pm, in person or by scanning and emailing the completed application to John Blais at  All applicants will then be selected through a lottery process and contacted by Tuesday, June 9 to receive instructions in order to complete additional paperwork.  First Aid / CPR certifications are preferred and should be included with application submissions.

Applicants who are 18 years of age or older, will also require a BCI check that will be facilitated through the City of Pawtucket.

The City of Pawtucket is also accepting applications to fill vacancies for essential positions at the Veteran’s Park Pool.  These include openings for certified lifeguards and pool services attendant.  Job descriptions and instructions for application can be found on the City of Pawtucket website under the Human Resources Departments tab under the Employment Opportunities heading. Pawtucket residency is not required for these positions.

Updated information regarding camp programs and events can be found through the “Pawtucket Parks & Recreation” Facebook page or by calling the Slater Park Office at 728-0500, ext. 251 during operational hours.