Tea time this afternoon included a drive-by recon of the Oak Knoll Cemetery in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
A close observation of the filled wetland within the Bucklin Brook cemetery corridor revealed a small patch of water, “about an arm load” in size, and beside that tiny patch of water, a mockingbird and song sparrow took their fill.
And what seemed imperceptible like a shallow breath, intent observation revealed a slight flow of water. The brook once filled and culverted years ago yet flows.
We also riveted on a pair of resident red tail hawk while another pair circled high over Quality Hill – and as we departed, a fifth red tail Hawk landed in one of the large cemetery oak trees with a very audible “hawk-like” screech.
During a clear afternoon, the Oak Knoll Cemetery wide-sky vistas are welcome relief within the urban sprawl of East Pawtucket.
We were happy campers as we drove for a small supply of fresh Portuguese rolls from the Central Avenue Bakery.
Afternoon tea, majestic birds and fresh baked bread, nothin’ better.
Don Doucette
“Ten Mile River Rambles”
Friends of the Ten Mile and Bucklin Brook
Resident of the Narragansett Basin