Happy New Year + a Look Back at 2019
Before we ring in the new year,
let’s look back at some highlights from 2019.
- assisting preservation projects at sites including Lymansville Co. Mill (NP), Slatersville Bridge (NS), Warren Mfg. Co., and Providence’s Wedding Cake House
- launching the State Preservation Plan update
- a dazzling Rhode Island Heritage Day Festival with new partners and old friends at the Pawtucket Armory
- National Register listing of Samuel Clarke Farm (Richmond), Cumberland Town Hall Historic District, Moore Fabric Co. (Pawt.), and the expanded Wakefield Historic District (SK)
- Preservation, Recreation and Sport, our 34th Annual Conference in East Providence
an Arch-tober to remember with 7 RI Archaeology Month events
- collaborating with RI Black Heritage Society, RI Historical Society, and PAL on the Struggle for Civil Rights in 20th-Century Rhode Island grant project funded by the National Park Service
- presenting Rhody Awards with Preserve Rhode Island to 10 outstanding people and preservation projects
- hosting the NCSHPO Summer Board meeting for reps from 13 states, National Trust, Civil War Trust, and Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
- completing State Preservation Grant projects at East Greenwich Town Hall, Pawtucket Public Library, and Block Island Southeast Lighthouse
We look forward to 2020 and wish you a very Happy New Year!