Thursday, January 23, 2025


Apple Cider and Tidal Waters

Saturday afternoon found us enjoying the view of Narragansett Bay while sitting at Colt State Park in Bristol, Rhode Island.

We were situated south of the Ten Mile River Watershed as the Ten Mile River waters were not discernible at this point having already blended with the tidal flow of the Seekonk River located further upstream.

Hundreds of sea birds fed along the shore while feasting on tiny fish.


I in turn, surveyed the scene in the late afternoon sunshine munching on a HUDSON GOLDEN GEM russet apple – in fact said to have been a favorite apple enjoyed and grown by Thomas Jefferson.

We had just visited the Warren Cider Company on Child Street (Route 103) housed in a repurposed store front near Warren center only steps away from the East Bay Bicycle Path.


We sat in small rustic chairs placed around apple box tables sampling an assemblage of locally produced heirloom hard apple ciders. An interesting assortment of heirloom apples were also on display and available for purchase.


The wooden tasting bar is vintage said to have been salvaged from a former Fall River business. The store interior is made-do rustic while lovely morning glories trellised outside cheerily greeted customers.


We came away with a BALDWIN wine destined for our Thanksgiving celebration and a small covey of heirloom apples to sample at home throughout the coming week. These include the already mentioned HUDSON GOLDEN GEM along with ESOPUS SPITZZENBURG, BRAMLEY’S SEEDLING (pies), WINECRISP and KING DAVID.


An afternoon well spent, apple cider and tidal waters do mix in the most unusual and delightful way.

Respectfully submitted,

Donald M. Doucette

Ten Mile River Rambles

Friend of the Ten Mile

Citizen of the Ten Mile River Watershed