Friday, January 10, 2025


Dear Friend,

By Susan Hendershot

Last week, IPL’s #FaithtoFord campaign marked a victory when Ford and three other automakers announced that they struck a deal with California to reject the Trump administration’s attempt to gut the Clean Car Standards.

IPL organized more than 4,000 people of faith like you to call on Ford Motor Company to stand by the Clean Car Standards – and our message is getting through!

Ford’s decision to break with other major U.S. automakers in favor of cleaner vehicles shows the power of the U.S. faith community. 

Tomorrow, Ford Motor Company’s hometown, Detroit, will host the second Democratic presidential debate. IPL mobilized more than 2,000 people of faith to petition CNN to ask candidates about their solution to climate change. To continue to mobilize the faith community in the 2020 elections we need your help.

Will you donate $15 or more to mobilize the faith vote for the 2020 elections?

We must raise $5,000 by midnight on July 31st to launch the first part of our 2020 Faith Climate Voter Campaign. 

In making the deal with California, Ford agreed to much stronger standards than the Trump administration is proposing. While we still have work to do to push automakers to achieve the Clean Car Standards as adopted by the Obama administration, this is a big step forward.

The progress we are making with Ford Motor Company reminds us that the moral voice is a powerful one. When people from all religions come together, we can move mountains. Your support will help congregations organize voter drives, polling parties, and candidate forums to turn out the faith vote for the climate. With the IPL network reaching more than 22,000 congregations, we can make a BIG impact.

Please donate $15 or more to launch this campaign and turn out faith voters for the climate.

Together, we have the power to prevent the worst impacts of climate change and leave a planet where our children and grandchildren can thrive.

Thank you for your generosity,

Rev. Susan Hendershot 
