Friday, September 20, 2024


Hunt’s Mill News

By Don Doucette

 D DON RAMBLE huntsmillfalls

This past week, a group of about fifteen gardening volunteers worked to tidy the URI Master Gardner perennial flowers growing by the John Hunt House.

Meanwhile, Nick Tomlin, of PROVIDENCE HAMMER along with helper, J.P. Shepard, continued work on the decorative metal fence by the side entry of the Hunt House.

Beautiful heron, both Great Blue and Black-Capped Night, continue to feed at the Ten Mile River rapids as they hop rock-to-rock on stilt-like legs looking for food.

A family of mallard ducks also frequent protected pools among the white water while feeding on water greens. The tiny fledge seem well adapted to the fast moving water.

Warblers are back feeding in the tree canopy.

During the last few sparkling days, the cascading falls have been exceptionally beautiful in the late afternoon sunlight. Without abundant precipitation, the water level has declined.

Photographers arrive frequently and like heron waiting for a meal, advantage themselves, as well.

Of concern, is the repeated defacing of public property as relic hunters with shovels and metal detectors loot potential cultural remains.

And as well, concern about the pile of rubbish and garbage left behind after a group picnic this past Friday. It’s pitiful that volunteers work to keep Hunt’s Falls property so attractive and are thanked with such a mess.

Carry in, carry out?

Don Doucette

“Ten Mile River Rambles”