Kimberlee McHugh
Tuesdays, beginning September 4
8 weeks, no class on 9/25
8-9 pm
$135 per person
This popular dance class is for ladies only (ages 18 and up) and will cover ballroom dance steps infused with a sensual burlesque dance style.
This class is designed to be sexy and fun and provide a great work out in the process.
A choreographed dance routine will be taught over an 8 week session and performed one night only for the student’s friends, husband, boyfriend or partner.
All figures are welcome – we do not judge and we want you to have a great time while unleashing your inner goddess.????
The theme for September will be Fiesta Latina! Students will learn bachata, samba and salsa dance styles??in this session.
Be prepared to put together a costume based on the current session’s theme and song.
Performance date will be determined during the session.
You may also choose to purchase costumes from a dance apparel supplier.
A post performance gathering will be held for dancers and guests.
This class meets in the Owl Hall on the main level of the Education Wing.