Eagles, Owls and…Art!
February 2025 Program Highlights from the Audubon Society of Rhode Island
(January 6, 2024) – Nature is magical in winter! Bundle up and take a river cruise to observe eagles, enjoy a local brew and prowl for owls, or snowshoe under a full moon. Or if you prefer to stay a little warmer, visit the Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium for Wild Ground: A Window Between Worlds, an exhibit of paintings by Lucy Fricke.
And don’t forget February vacation week! Bring the kids to Audubon to meet Mermaid Kora at the Nature Center and Aquarium, try frosty science experiments, or get outside for tracking and birding with the experts. Get off the couch this February and head out with Audubon for frosty fun!
Unless noted, registration is required for all programs. Register online and view a complete listing of programs through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar.
Free Family Fun Day – Birds in Love
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI
February 1, 2025; 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
The Nature Center and Aquarium is open free to the public the first Saturday in February. Join Audubon for nature stories, animal discoveries, hikes and more. No need to register!
10:00 am – 3:00 pm: Craft Table
10:00 am: Nature Story
11:00 am and 2:30 pm: Animal Interview
1:00 pm – Birds in Love. Birds sing, dance and flash their feathers to defend their territories and attract a mate. Learn about their songs and moves through hands-on activities.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Free. Ages: All.
Audubon Wednesday Morning Bird Walks
Locations Across Rhode Island
February 5, 12, 19, 26, 2025; 9:00 – 11:00 am
Audubon offers small-group Wednesday Morning Bird Walks with naturalist Laura Carberry. Each week a new birding destination will be chosen. Advance registration is required. Location will be sent to registered participants in advance.
Locations determined weekly; Every Wednesday through June 2025; Fee: $5/member, $10/non-member. Ages: 14+. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Owls and Ales

Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI
February 8, 2025; 6:30-8:30 pm
Meet some of Audubon’s amazing owls! Come to the Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium for a presentation on these fascinating birds of prey while enjoying locally brewed beers. Then take a guided walk through the refuge at night to look and listen for owls and other signs of animal life. Leave the kids at home – this program is just for adults! Come prepared to go outside on a chilly evening.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Fee: $30/member; $35/non-member. Ages: 21 and up. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Snowshoeing by the Full Moon
Audubon Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, Exeter, RI
February 11, 2025; 6:30 – 8:30 pm
A white expanse of snow blanketing the forest, the moon creeping up through the pines, and the stars twinkling overhead. All set the scene for a guided full moon snowshoe walk at Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge. Participants must provide their own snowshoes – they can be rented from REI if needed. If there is no snow, participants will hike the moonlit trails.
Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, 99 Pardon Joslin Road, Exeter, RI; Fee: $15/member; $20/non-member. Ages: Teen to Adult. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Owl Prowl at Fort Refuge
Fort Wildlife Refuge, North Smithfield, RI
February 13, 2025; 6:30-8:30 pm
Visit the Fort Wildlife Refuge at night to search for owls! An Audubon naturalist will call for different species as you follow trails through the forest. While we never know if we’ll hear or see an owl, participants will learn a lot and have a great night hike. Please dress for the weather, wear sturdy walking shoes, and bring a flashlight. Advance registration is required.
Fort Nature Refuge, (Rt. 5), 1443 Providence Pike, North Smithfield, RI; Fee: $15/member; $20/non-member. Ages: 10 and up. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Audubon Winter Geology Walk
Second Beach, Middletown, RI
February 13, 2025; 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Join Audubon for a wintertime hike at Second Beach and Purgatory Chasm in Middletown to investigate the geological history of the area. Learn how rocks are formed and to identify different geological structures and formations that help us understand the Earth’s history.
Surfer’s End, Second (Sachuest) Beach, Hanging Rock Rd, Middletown RI. Fee: $10/member; $14/non-member. Ages: 14 and up. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Vernal Pool Monitoring – Virtual Volunteer Training
February 13 & 20, 2025; 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Join Audubon’s community science project to monitor the reptile and amphibian species present in vernal pools across Rhode Island. Requires weekly visits to a site from March through May and walking through meadows, wetland and uneven terrain. Attend this free training to learn more. A Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants.
Virtual Program; Free. Ages: Adult. Register online at asri.org/calendar.
Eagle Cruise on the Connecticut River
Audubon Winter Van Trip
February 15, 2025; 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Join Audubon for a winter trip aboard the Riverquest on the Connecticut River to search for eagles, hawks, waterfowl, seals and other mammals. Binoculars will be available, as well as complimentary tea and coffee. The boat has a heated cabin, but dress very warmly because the best views are from the deck. After the tour, visit the Connecticut River Museum and enjoy the Eagles of Essex exhibit. Bring a lunch, camera and optics. NOTE: Due to the Riverquest’s age requirements, children must be at least 12 years old to participate.
Departs from Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Fee: $80/ Member; $90/Non-member. Ages: 12 and up. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
February School Vacation Week with Audubon
February 17 – 21, 2025
February Vacation Week at the Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium
Bristol, RI
Audubon has winter fun for all ages during school vacation week! Join us for a daily nature story at 10am, animal interview at 11am, education program at 1pm.

NEW! Visit with Mermaid Kora* in our tidepool exhibit from 2 to 4pm. No registration required.
Programs below are available each day at 1:00 pm, recommended for children ages 6 and up.
Monday, February 17, 2025: Frosty Field & Forest Walk: Take a nature walk to search for tracks, listen for birds, and investigate other clues that animals are out and about in winter. In case of inclement weather, an indoor activity will be available.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025: Owl Pellet Demonstration: What do owls eat and how do they catch their food? Help take apart an owl pellet to find the bones inside and discover what your owl ate!
Wednesday, February 19, 2025: Winter Wildlife Survival: How do different animals make it through the cold season? Learn about deer, rabbits, woodchucks and other local critters. Biofacts like furs, skulls and feathers will give us clues to their survival.
Thursday, February 20, 2025: Whoo are You? This is the time of year that owls are calling! Come learn all about these amazing birds and observe a live owl up close.
Friday, February 21, 2025: Frosty Science: Try some chilly hands-on experiments to learn more about water and its cold counterparts.
Kids meet Mermaid Kora, an Audubon college intern who is an experienced aquarium educator and aquatic animal husbandry technician. She educates kids and adults about the importance of conservation while bringing magic and fun to the aquarium.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. Programs free with Admission.
February Vacation Week at Audubon Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge
Smithfield, RI
Big Owl, Little Owl
February 17, 2025; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
There are several amazing species of owls that live in New England. You might have one in your own backyard! Take a pictorial look at our native owls, hear their calls, learn about their remarkable adaptations, and meet a couple of live owls. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Advance registration is required.
Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield RI. Fee: $10/member adult, $5/member child; $14/non-member adult, $7/non-member child. Ages: 4 and up. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Rockin’ Reptiles
February 18, 2025; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Rhode Island has several remarkable reptiles. Come and learn which live here and where they can be seen. Start with a presentation of all the native species and follow up with a visit from some live reptiles. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Fee: $10/member adult, $5/member child; $14/non-member adult, $7/non-member child. Ages: 4 and up. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Tracking for Families: Bones, Skulls, Feathers and Furs
February 19, 2025; 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Come to Audubon and learn about local mammals and birds, their survival skills, and how to find animals in your neighborhood during the frosty winter months. See and touch items from the Audubon biofact collections, then head outside to look for signs of animals on the wildlife refuge. Dress for the weather. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Advance registration is required.
Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Fee: $15/member adult, $7/member child; $20/non-member adult, $10/non-member child. Ages: 8 and up. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Frosty Morning Bird Walk
February 20, 2025; 10:00 – 11:30 am
Join a frosty morning walk through the Powder Mill Ledges field and forest to look for resident winter birds. Begin with a review of birds that are found in Rhode Island during the winter, then head out to find these energetic species. Dress for the weather and wear sturdy boots. Bring binoculars or a camera if you wish. Some binoculars will be available to borrow. Advance registration is required. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Fee: $12/member adult, $6/member child; $15/non-member adult, $7/non-member child. Ages: 8 and up. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Big Hawk, Little Hawk
February 21, 2025; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Meet two live raptors! A Red-tailed Hawk and a Merlin: one of the largest hawks in Rhode Island and a falcon that can be found in our area during seasonal migrations. Explore the lives of these amazing birds of prey and touch preserved feathers, wings, and talons. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Advance registration is required.
Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Fee: $10/member adult, $5/member child; $14/non-member adult, $7/non-member child. Ages: 4 and up. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
February Vacation Week at Audubon Caratunk Wildlife Refuge
Seekonk, MA
Big Hawk – Little Hawk
February 17, 2025; 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Meet two live raptors! A Red-tailed Hawk and a Merlin: one of the largest hawks in Rhode Island and a falcon that can be found in our area during seasonal migrations. Explore the lives of these amazing birds of prey and touch preserved feathers, wings, and talons. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Advance registration is required.
Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Avenue, Seekonk, MA; Fee: $10/member adult, $5/member child; $14/non-member adult, $7/non-member child. Ages: 7 and up. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Owl Prowl at Caratunk
February 21, 2025; 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Come and walk the trails of Caratunk at night to look and listen for our resident owls. Learn about the behavior and biology that makes these raptors so amazing. Please dress for the weather, wear sturdy shoes for hiking, and bring a flashlight. These programs are designed for families with children ages 10 and up. Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Avenue, Seekonk, MA; Fee: $15/member; $20/non-member. Ages: 10 and up. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Winter Van Trip to Cape Ann, MA
February 22, 2025; 7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Cape Ann, Massachusetts is a historic fishing community also known among birders for a great diversity of wintering sea birds. In the past we’ve seen Razorbills, Murres, Guillemots, Dovekies, white-winged gulls, and other species that are much harder to find in Rhode Island. Join Audubon for a day of exploring Gloucester Harbor, Eastern Point, Halibut Point, Rockport’s Granite Pier, Pigeon Cove, and others. Register early at asri.org/calendar.
Departs from Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Fee: $65 for members, $80 for non-members. Ages: Teen to Adult.
NEW! Community Yoga at Audubon
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI
Sundays: February 23, March 23, 2025; 9:00 – 10:00 am
Unwind with a community yoga class held at the Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium. Led by certified yoga teacher and East Bay resident Joanne DeCataldo, this class is designed for people of all skill levels and abilities. Experience the joy and benefits of practicing yoga while connecting with nature. Please bring your own yoga mat, a water bottle, and any other props you may like to include in your practice. Proceeds support Audubon scholarships, education programs, and animal care.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Fee: $15/member; $20/non-member. Ages: Adult. Register online through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Seals, Sea Ducks and Sunset!
Prudence Island, RI
February 27, 2025; 1:30 – 6:30 pm
Join an afternoon adventure exploring Prudence Island. Start by looking for seabird species and harbor seals resting on the rocks at the southern tip of the island. Travel in a passenger van to other hotspots and areas of scenic beauty across the island; expect to take some short walks (1-1.5 miles each) depending on trail and road conditions. With sunset just after 5:30 pm, we’ll cap off the day on the west side of the island for what will hopefully be a beautiful end to a winter’s day. Reservations are required due to limited van space.
Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Prudence Island, RI; Fee: $8/member, $12/non-member. Ages: Adult. For details on Prudence Island trips and to register, visit asri.org/calendar.
Wild Ground: A Window Between Worlds
Exhibit of Paintings by Lucy Fricke
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI
Through February 28, 2025; 9:30 am-4:30 pm
Lucy Fricke is a currently in her junior year studying painting at Rhode Island School of Design. This past summer, she was Audubon’s “artist in residence” and spent hours observing, sketching, and connecting with the animals and landscapes around her.
These studies led to the new art exhibit at the Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium: “Wild Ground: A Window Between Worlds”. Using uncontrolled acrylic pouring, oil sticks, crayon scribbling, overlapping drawings, and collage, Lucy embraces spontaneity and discovery, reflecting nature’s unpredictability and boundless creativity.
Ultimately, her work acts as a portal for the viewers to experience the human need for fantastical discovery, wonder, and connection to the unknown and untamable ground nature offers. Opening Reception January 11; 2:00- 4:00 pm.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; January 11 – February 28, 2025; 9:30 am-4:30 pm; Free with Admission. Ages: All.

Mermaid Kora image, courtesy Audubon Society of Rhode Island.
Eastern Screech-Owl by Ada Aldeen
Painting on Exhibit by Lucy Fricke, courtesy Audubon Society of Rhode Island.