Independence Day Celebration
The City of Attleboro and the volunteer Independence Day Event Team are excited to announce an Independence Day Fireworks Celebration on July 3, 2025 at the Attleboro High School athletic fields!

“Large community events require a lot of planning, coordination, and funding and I am grateful to be working with other city staff members and a dedicated group of resident volunteers to plan the July 2025 fireworks event,” said Recreation Department Director Christy Clausen.
“Although many residents enjoyed last summer’s Independence Day laser light show event, there was a clear public preference for fireworks and we are working hard to make that happen.”
Fundraising for the Independence Day event has begun and the goal is to raise approximately $60,000 to cover the costs of public safety details, pyrotechnics, and other event entertainment. “Community events need community support and we are grateful to the Attleboro residents and businesses who so generously support our Independence Day events, the annual Winter Night Festival, and other community activities throughout the year,” added Mayor Cathleen DeSimone.

Mayor Cathleen DeSimone Attleboro, Massachusetts
Of course, we also need and welcome donations of any amount from residents. Contributions are tax deductible, and checks should be made payable to the City of Attleboro Fireworks Fund. Any individual who donates $500 or more will have their name displayed on the Fireworks Sponsors banner at Balfour Riverwalk Park throughout June and July.”
Businesses interested in sponsorship opportunities can visit to review the sponsorship package and added benefits. Residents and community members looking to make a donation should visit, or send a cash/check addressed to Attleboro City Hall, 77 Park Street, Attleboro, MA. Checks and cash can also be dropped off in person at the collection bins on the first floor of City Hall.
If the event is cancelled or postponed due to weather or another cause beyond the City’s control, your donation will be held in a restricted fund and reserved for a future City fireworks event.
Please follow our Facebook page for updates on fundraising and activities. Questions and comments can be sent to