Whitehouse to Serve as Top Democrat on Environment and Public Works Committee in 119th Congress

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) today announced that he will take on the role of Ranking Member on the powerful Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in the 119th Congress. The Environment and Public Works Committee has broad jurisdiction over matters related to infrastructure and environmental policy, including air and water pollution, climate change, federal highways, bridges, ports, fisheries and wildlife, nuclear energy, and water resources.
“I look forward to serving alongside Chair Capito and to upholding the Committee’s bipartisan tradition of finding common ground on major legislation that meets America’s needs for highway funding and water infrastructure, among other major national priorities. I’ll be working hard to make strategic investments in Rhode Island’s infrastructure while growing the middle class and creating good jobs in the process,” said Whitehouse.
Whitehouse is not the first Rhode Islander to hold a leadership position on the Environment and Public Works Committee. The late Senator John Chafee (R-RI) served as Chairman of the panel from 1995 to 1999.
“From the minority, we will continue to make the case that climate change is raising prices for American families, costing the federal government billions of dollars every year, and posing systemic dangers to the economy. I also intend to keep watch on corruption in the Trump administration, which is already overrun with fossil fuel influence,” said Whitehouse.
Whitehouse has served as Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee since the start of the 118th Congress and will remain on the Committee as a rank-and-file member.
“My Budget team has done exceptional, often path-breaking work to alert Congress to the terrible shocks to Americans’ personal finances and the federal budget that await if we do not take on the fossil fuel industry and stop climate change. I believe the record our Committee expertly compiled and presented to the American people will stand the test of time, and I’m glad so many on that team will be joining me to staff this new committee,” Whitehouse concluded.

Whitehouse has been a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee since joining the Senate in 2007. In addition to continuing to serve on the Budget Committee in the new Congress, Whitehouse will stay on the Judiciary Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Helsinki Commission. Whitehouse will also retain his post as Chairman of Caucus on International Narcotics Control.