Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Dear Friends,

I want to thank the voters of Essex Southern District for choosing me as the Republican nominee for the office of Register of Deeds and I also wish to congratulate Eileen Duff on winning the Democratic nomination for the same office. I look forward to a healthy and vigorous debate between us so that the voters can decide who is best to serve as Register of Deeds for the next six years.

I strongly believe that your home is one of your most valuable assets and that the Registry of Deeds must keep the Deed to your home secure. With the growing threat of title fraud, “squatting” and other violations of property rights, record management security at the Registry of Deeds is of the utmost importance in protecting the rights of homeowners, renters, and business owners. That’s why it is of the utmost importance to hire a skilled and qualified manager to head the Registry of Deeds.

In contrast to my opponent, I have had several years of real-life management experience in the retail sector, helping everyday customers, when I managed a UPS Store retail outlet. This involved day to day assistance with customer’s needs, record management and invoicing, notary services, and building relationships with people. I also served my community as a Housing Authority Commissioner and chair – in which I fought for tenants’ rights to be included in decision making, promoted financial transparency of Housing Authority operations, managed the hiring process of our executive director, and secured community preservation grants for low-income housing.

My opponent, Duff, however, has spent much of her campaign helping politicians outside of our district – weighing in and dictating the needs of residents of another Massachusetts district. Her recent endorsement from the Governor puts into question her ability to independently decide on judicial applicants nominated by the Governor.

In addition – her record on the Governor’s Council has led to questions about her ability to make sound hiring decisions. As a Governor’s Councilor she once pushed for an unqualified Judicial applicant against the recommendations of the state’s joint bar committee – this unqualified applicant gave her hefty political donations over the years. On another occasion, she persisted in asking offensive and illegal questions about one other Judicial applicant’s religious beliefs – revealing her political and anti-religious bias in the hiring process of a qualified judicial applicant. And on one other occasion she concealed support for a mayoral candidate while moderating a debate with that candidate’s opponent – again, revealing she plays politics in a process meant to help voters decide who they want to elect or hire to manage their city!

Through these actions she has opened the door for questions about her fitness to serve as the chief hiring manager of the Registry of Deeds. However, in a debate, she will have a chance to defend her record and explain her actions over the years in public office so that the voters can decide.

The Register of Deeds is charged with hiring the best people to run the Registry, so that you can be assured that we are working hard to secure and safeguard your most valuable asset. We can’t allow the Registry to become a place for political payback of friends or a place for building someone’s political career. To learn more about my campaign please visit

Please vote for Jonathan Ring for Register of Deeds on November 5th, or during Early voting, which begins October 19th. Thank you.

Jonathan Ring

Candidate for Register of Deeds

Essex Southern

9 Pooles Lane

Rockport, MA 01966
