Monday, March 10, 2025

Summer Reading Program at APL: June 15 – August 16 Theme: Find Your Voice!

Communitywide Summer Reading Kickoff
Thursday, June 15, 1:30-3PM
Balfour Riverwalk Park

Visit Balfour Riverwalk Park on the last day of school for this fun, free event.

Sign up for the Summer Reading Program and enjoy games, activities, and a parade for everyone to join! Community partners like the Attleboro Public SchoolsAttleboro Norton YMCA, the Project Connect Family Center, and the Attleboro Land Trust will make this an afternoon to read-member! (In case of rain, activities will take place inside the Library.)

Children (Families with Children age 3 through entering 4th grade)

How to participate!

Visit the Children’s Room and pick up a reading log! Fill in a circle for every day that you read (or are read to) for at least 20 minutes or more.

Logging your reading time earns prizes:

– Ten (10) days of reading for 20 minutes or more: A book plate in a book in the Children’s Room.

Twenty-five (25) days of reading for 20 minutes or more: A Star Reader lawn sign! WOW!

– Forty (40) or more days of reading for 20 minutes or more: Your child will be entered into a prize drawing.

A complete list of all programs, special events, and take-home kits may be found here.

Tweens/Teens (Youth entering 5th-12th grades)

There are two ways to participate:

[1] Log your reading online using a Google form. Log at least 300 minutes of reading over the summer to be entered into the grand prize drawing! The first twenty-five (25) youth to log their 300 minutes of reading will also receive an APL Star Reader lawn sign (one per family).

Access the Google form here