Friday, March 14, 2025



Ashley Sullivan for State Committeewoman 

Chair, Gloucester Republican city committee.

Jeff Yull for State Committeeman

Chair, North Reading Republican Town Committee

(First Essex and Middlesex state committee district) 

HOME | State Committee Firs (

I’ve worked with Ashley for the past few years to help grow our Republican party and support campaigns. She is a Constitutional Conservative, chair of the Gloucester Republican Committee, and has organized Pro-Trump campaign events in the district and has experience in networking and fundraising. Jeff Yull, who is Chair of the North Reading Republican Town Committee, has a track record of building up his Republican party in North Reading, excellent fundraising track record, has started regional networks to support Republicans. Both are working to build up the district so that we can start to make the Republican Party relevant again. 

Please vote for Ashley Sullivan and Jeff Yull on your March 5th Primary Ballot. 

If you would like to support Ashley and Jeff by displaying a LAWN SIGN – Please contact me at or text me at 351-231-9744. (Please be sure to give me a name, and Address for the Lawn Sign) Also – if you want a big Banner – let me know that too.  

Don’t know who is on your primary ballot? Go to my website: 

Voter Resources ( 

and click on the “Where Do I Vote Tab” – plug in your address and get a Sample Ballot from the Secretary of State.