Monday, March 10, 2025


MARCH 5, 2024


By Kathy Lynch – Massachusetts Republican State Committeewoman

The presidential primary is just a month away, March 5th, 2024. There will be two ballots to choose from: the Republican ballot and the Democrat ballot. Registered Republicans and Democrats will automatically get the ballot for their party. Unenrolled voters can choose a Republican or Democrat ballot.

The presidential primary is an election between candidates within the same political party. The offices on the ballot in the presidential primary include: U.S. president, one State Committee woman, one State Committee man, and ward or town committee members.

Don’t forget to register to vote by February, 24, 2024. For those who cannot vote in person, apply to vote by mail at (

by February 27, 2024. Every vote counts! Update your vote-by-mail request every year through your town or city hall clerk.

It might be worth it to check your registration and political party status at the secretary of state website (

Some things to keep in mind when learning about candidates on the ballot:

1) Is the information you find on them accurate and based upon their public record? Candidates who have been in office have a record of past votes and positions. You can search the Internet for that information. Some organizations keep track of candidates and provide voter guides (e.g., Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance, Massachusetts Citizens for Life, Gun Owners Action League, etc.). You can search the Internet (e.g., website, social media, etc.) for information about new candidates as well.

2) Does the information unjustly equate the candidate to another person? For example, the Democrat Party persists in mercilessly attacking President Trump as well as his supporters by labeling all of them “racist,” “deplorable,” “xenophobic,” etc. This tactic was used against the former chair of the Mass. Republican Party as well. Anyone who voted for him was unfairly and maliciously labeled “Jim Jones Lyons Kool-Aid cultists.” Remember, too, photos of candidates beside other political figures does not mean endorsement or agreement on everything.

3) Does the information attack the person rather than the person’s actions? Judge candidates by their actions, not who they are on a personal level. It’s the behavior that counts. Verify any political attacks directly with the candidate or with their promotional materials rather than assume what you read is correct. When there is clear bias, check to see if it’s rooted in fact. Lies and half-truths can be malicious and deceive voters.

4) Is the source of information credible? Some media outlets have a reputation for being incompetent or even unethical. Do they make repeated mistakes without correction? Do they make cheap, personal attacks at candidates for their physical appearance, clothing, or other innocuous reasons? Watch for the tone and words used with careful evaluation of real substance on issues.

5) Is the information from an anonymous source? All sorts of negative, even slanderous information can come to voters under the cover of darkness. If media such as postcards and emails fail to disclose the source, use your discernment as to whether the information is legitimate or not. Sometimes the information is anonymous to protect the persons disclosing truth but, too often, it comes from cowardly bullies.

Aim to choose your candidates based upon truthful information and alignment with your values. We need good people in all elected positions. Candidates typically share their political positions and a way to contact them on their website or social media platforms. If you can, attend an event to meet the candidate in person. When you reach out to a candidate, do they answer your questions or avoid them? Keep in mind that no one on Earth will agree with you 100% of the time. Compare candidates and vote for the best in the running. If you skip the election, you allow others to decide who wins. 

Republican State Committeewoman Kathleen Lynch is running for re-election in the newly districted Worcester and Middlesex Senate District.

Reach her online at