Friends of the Plainville Public Library, Inc.

Library Discard Sale
The Friends of the Plainville Public Library will hold a Library Discard Sale from January 27th to February 3rd in the conference room during normal library hours.
There will be a $5 bag sale on February 3rd.
The sale will include adult and young adult Fiction, Non-Fiction, Large Print, CDs, DVDs, Books-on-CD, and children’s books.
The prices are mass market & children’s books .50, trade/hardcover/CDs/DVDs/Books-on-CD $1.
The hours are Saturdays 9-1, Monday & Tuesday 9-3, Wednesday & Thursday 10-8, and Friday 1-5.

Also available, but not included in the bag sale, will be our on-going book sale in the Friends’ hallway,
Best Sellers and books of gift giving quality, new and multi-pack puzzles, and children’s puzzles. Donations of items may be dropped off at the library during normal library hours throughout the year.
The Plainville Public Library is located on Rte. 1A at 198 South St.

For further information, you may call the Plainville Public Library at 508-695-1784 or check out our web site at