Thursday, January 2, 2025


Rehoboth Antiquarian Arts in the Village Series Chamber Concerts

Arts in the Village

Spring Concert Announcement

The mission of Arts in the Village is to provide high quality and affordable chamber music in a pleasant and convenient locale for residents of Southeastern Massachusetts and nearby Rhode Island. Arts in the Village provides five Saturday evening concerts per year at Goff Hall. For a moderate fee one can enjoy music performed in a comfortably sized hall with excellent acoustics and even more excellent musicians.  The Chamber Music series under the auspices of the Rehoboth Antiquarian Society has attracted world-renowned musicians for over 20 years.  The artists that perform are very accomplished and have performed in places such as Carnegie Hall, and in numerous venues in most European Countries and South America and Japan.

The audience is welcomed with homemade refreshments at Intermission, complements of AIV volunteers. The performers offer informative commentary on the music of the evening, providing an educational component to the concerts. The musicians seek our venue for its responsive audience, excellent acoustics, first-rate piano, and historic setting.

Our spring 2024 concerts are as follows:

February 24   Schwarz and Bournaki cello/piano Duo

March 16      Vox Cor Trio piano and brass trio

April 13         Tong and Sheppard violin/piano duo

Ticket prices are as follows:

Adults                          $28.00

Seniors                         $25.00

Student/Child              $10 

For information, call 508-431-6879; or go to the website at https://rehoboth