National Organic Program
Information Collection Renewal

Request for Public Comments
Reporting and recordkeeping are essential to the integrity of the organic certification system. Information collected and maintained by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service is the basis for evaluating certifier and operation compliance with the Organic Foods Production Act and USDA organic regulations.

On November 21, USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) published in the Federal Register a notice announcing its intent to revise and extend three years the previously approved information collection renewal titled “National Organic Program” beyond its existing March 31, 2024, expiration date.

This notice proposes updates to forms included in the previously approved information collection package. It also requests changes to eliminate the collection of redundant information and to account for paperwork burden estimates related to the USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program and public use of the NOP Online Complaint Portal.

NOP is seeking public comment on the proposed revisions, including the burdens, costs, and other effects of the information collection required by the USDA organic regulations. Online comments are encouraged. Information on how to submit comments can be found on and by clicking the link below.
The comment period closes January 22, 2024.