Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Dear Friend of the George Wiley Center,

As we enter the new year, we hope you will continue supporting our work for social and economic justice. With your help, we have helped thousands prevent utility terminations and evictions, while encouraging enrollment in protections and affordable utility plans (that we have won through our organizing efforts).

Thanks to you, we have extended our outreach to the Spanish speaking community by expanding the English to Spanish interpretation we offer at our “Know your utility rights” sessions and anti-eviction clinics, presentations, pamphlets, and our community outreach. We held meetings in people’s apartments and conducted neighborhood outreach to involve more community members in our efforts to make utilities more affordable. That outreach resulted in partnerships with congregations and community organizations including Saint Vincent DePaul, DARE (Direct Action for Rights and Equality), Center for Southeast Asians, and Progreso Latino.

Your support helps us maintain and reach one of the most extensive networks of low-income people in the state, many of whom are members of traditionally under-served and marginalized communities. We appreciate all the ways people help us to reach our goals, by sharing resources, volunteering, and making donations to help us build our power (or ability).

Please continue to support our members and to help us win bigger victories by making a donation to the George Wiley Center. We appreciate any online donations, checks sent to our office, or ongoing contributions to keep our organizing going.

All donations of any size are greatly appreciated. We know that making the changes we need is a lifelong process and requires a lifetime of commitment. If you are in the position, please consider a bequest that will help us over the long haul achieve our long term goals.


Camilo Viveiros, the staff and the Board of the George Wiley Center

Please make a one time donation, sign up as a monthly sustainer or invest in our long term organizing with a bequest to support us for the long haul by going to: www.georgewileycenter.org

or mail a (tax deductible) check made out to:

George Wiley Center 32 East Ave., Pawtucket, RI 02860