Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Representative Sherry Roberts: Help Boost RI’s Economy with Organic Farming

State House, Providence – As per the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), organic agriculture is one of the fastest growing sectors – creating jobs and promoting economic growth and opportunities across rural America. As of June 2023, there are 30 farms of 1200 in Rhode Island certified as organic by the USDA. Representative Sherry Roberts (D – 29, Coventry/West Greenwich) believes Rhode Island should be a player in this burgeoning sector.

Rhode Island’s organic farming certification program is administered by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management’s Division of Agriculture and Resource Marketing. Through the program, qualified farms can become certified in organic produce. The program is currently underfunded and does not have the resources necessary to effectively operate.  Representative Roberts will be submitting legislation to support organic farming businesses in Rhode Island.

“Organic farming is one of the fastest growing sectors of US Agriculture,” said Roberts. “Clean organic foods – noted for better safeguards against GMO’s and pesticides that are often found in our general grocery supply –are in great demand.

Rhode Island’s Organic Farming Certification Program needs to regain its former funding level to manage the program successfully to take advantage of federal matching funds and grants. Everyone wins with this investment:  it bolsters our local economy, promotes environmental stewardship, consumers benefit from varied food options, and Rhode Island producers receive better prices for their quality products.”