Working to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism!

We’re all in to reduce chronic absenteeism here in Rhode Island! Earlier last month, we convened our Chronic Absenteeism Working Group made up of various stakeholders from the public and private sectors and discussed ways we can help mitigate chronic absenteeism and its effects. From restaurant incentives and school and districtwide events, it is up to all of us to help our kids be excited to learn and be in class every single day. Remember, students cannot learn if they are not present! For more information on ways you can help spread the message, visit our #AttendanceMattersRI page.
November was also Rhode Island STEAM Month, and what better way to wrap it up than by announcing our 2023 STEAM Educator Awards! This year, we awarded three educators from across the state with the prestigious distinction: Kristen Noonan of E.G. Robertson Elementary in Warwick, Michelle Conary Brittain of Chariho Middle School, and Corinne Gelinas of North Providence High School.

Each recipient also received a $1,000 classroom stipend along with a $500 personal award courtesy of RI Energy’s PPL Foundation. Congratulations to these wonderful educators!
Finally, we wanted to share that we have awarded over $410,000 to seven local education agencies to support students experiencing homelessness. Thanks to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, this grant funding will allow districts to develop projects to promote enrollment, encourage attendance, and support the success of students experiencing homelessness. We are making sure that all students are supported!

In partnership,
Angélica Infante-Green