Here is the latest:

* The Available Now page is updated with all the pieces at the studio available now.
* We are having a Winter Solstice show this December 21st at the studio.
* A NEW BOOK celebrating 30 years of working as a full time artist is in the works and YOUR HELP is needed! (see below).
Rabbit, Rabbit
A Winter Solstice Group Show
December 21st
4 to 7 pm
At the Studio in Westport, MA

It is time to start putting a book together to celebrate 30 years of making pieces. With over three thousand one-of-a-kind creations out there in the world, we thought it would be ok to compile a collection of images with thoughts from collectors.

So, the big ask is for you to send in a decent resolution image of your piece and to share your thoughts about it.
The image will need to be book worthy. So if you do not have something now, it can wait until the leaves are out if necessary, for example. The timeline is roughly by next summer.
This is aiming high, but together, it can be done!

Thank you so much for an incredible year.
The new studio has been in full, beautiful operation since last fall.

The open studios have been very successful.
Sharing the studio building with my wife Cali has been amazing.
May you have a wonderful holiday season!

Happy New Year!