Saturday, December 28, 2024


NOSB Fall Meeting Starts This Week and NOP Fall 2023 Update

Now Available in Learning Center


NOSB Fall Meeting

Organic farmer and inspector, Nate Powell-Palm, picks up and visually analyzes grain to describe organic field crop production and inspection in an Organic Integrity Learning Center online course   

The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) generally meets twice each year in a public forum to discuss and vote on recommendations to the USDA. These recommendations help the USDA develop and refine the organic standards.  

The NOSB will hear public comments by webinar this week, and the in-person board meeting will be in Providence, Rhode Island, October 24-26. The meeting will include a live webcast for those who are not able to attend in person. 

Meeting Details 

Public Comment Webinars: October 17 & 19, Noon – 5 p.m. Eastern 

In-Person Public Meeting:  October 24 – 26, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Eastern  
Marriott Downtown Providence                          
1 Orms Street, Providence, Rhode Island

Stakeholder Engagement Encouraged 

The meeting Zoom links, agenda, proposals, discussion documents and Federal Register notice are available on the NOSB Fall 2023 Meeting webpage.  

All speakers making public comments have signed up and been notified by email of the commenting order. Speakers will be called on when it is their turn.  

Members of the public will be able to hear the live comments, board deliberations and see any slides presented. Only board members may ask questions. 

 All public comments and board deliberations will be recorded. Presentations and a transcript of all five days will be posted to the NOP website afterward. Check the Fall 2023 Meeting page link above for more details and updates.