Thursday, March 6, 2025


Join Us Friday to Announce SNEP Grants for 2023!

Location: Public Street Waterfront in Providence.

Use 200 Allen’s Ave. for GPS – limited street parking, carpool if you can!

Date & Time: Friday, Oct. 6, 1:30 p.m.

Purpose: Celebrate more than $4.5 million in Southeast New England Program (SNEP) funding to municipalities, non-profit organizations and others working to restore clean water, healthy ecosystems and sustainable communities throughout Rhode Island, including more than $1.7 million for five SNEP Watershed Implementation Grants.

SNEP funding will support a variety of restoration projects, including urban stormwater and “green streets” projects, wetland and river restoration, and coastal resilience projects. At the events, we’ll introduce the grantees and provide more information on their work to restore our regional environment.


  • Sen. Jack Reed
  • Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
  • Rep. Seth Magaziner (invited)
  • Providence Mayor Brett Smiley
  • Sue Kiernan, RI Dept. of Environmental Management
  • Tom Ardito, SNEP Watershed Implementation Grants/Restore America’s Estuaries
  • Elizabeth Scott, SNEP Network
  • Monica Huertes, Racial & Environmental Justice Committee/People’s Port

The event is free and open to the public, so please share this notice widely!