Thursday, September 19, 2024


EPA and RAE to Announce 2023 SNEP Funding

Rhode Island Event: Providence, Friday, Oct. 6, 1:30 p.m.Massachusetts Event: New Bedford, Thursday, Nov. 2, 9:30 a.m.

Good afternoon SNEP Partners, 

Please hold the dates above to join Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 1 to announce this year’s Southeast New England Program (SNEP) funding and technical assistance awards, including 2023 SNEP Watershed Implementation Grants (SWIG).

The Rhode Island event will include remarks by Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse, EPA Regional Administrator David Cash, Providence Mayor Brett Smiley, Monica Huertes of the Racial & Environmental Justice Committee, and other Rhode Island environmental leaders.  The Massachusetts event will include Representative Bill Keating and RA Cash, along with others to be announced.

This year, SNEP will be announcing more than 24 significant funding awards, supporting and others local organizations working to restore clean water, healthy coastal ecosystems, and sustainable communities throughout Southeast New England. Among these awards are 13 new SWIG grants: 6 in Rhode Island, and 7 in Massachusetts. This year, more than 70% of these grants are in environmental justice communities. SNEP funding will support a variety of restoration projects, including urban stormwater and “green streets” projects, wetland and river restoration, and coastal resilience projects.

At the events, we will introduce the grantees and provide more information on their work to restore our regional environment. Both events are free and open to the public and press, so please invite partners, friends and colleagues.

Details to follow shortly; meanwhile, for more information email Tom Ardito, Director, SNEP Watershed Implementation Grants. We look forward to seeing you there!

For more information on SNEP Watershed Implementation Grants, see

For more on the SNEP Network, see For more on EPA’s Southeast New England Program, visit

Tom Ardito

Restore America’s Estuaries

Director, SNEP Watershed