Update: Community Garden Celebration on Sept. 16 will be Indoors

Due to flooding at the Garden earlier this week and impending inclement weather, the event will be held at the Attleboro Public Library.
Join us in celebrating the Attleboro Community Gardens 25th anniversary on Saturday, September 16. The event is free and open to the public. It will run from 1:00 to 3:00 pm and will take place at the Attleboro Public Library, 74 North Main Street.
The afternoon all-ages program will include:

1:15 Save Seeds- Save for the Future and Save the Past presentation by Master Gardener Kathi Gariepy.
2:00 Preserving Your Harvest presentation by Modern Homestead & Gardens founder Danielle Cournoyer.
A garden-themed drop-in painting activity for children will run from 1:00 to 2:30.
2:40 A program celebrating the Gardens achievements will take place.
Throughout the event:

–Gardening information table
–Raffles and light refreshments
For more information contact attleborocommunitygarden@gmail.com