Thursday, December 19, 2024


Work Party at Charron Farm Preserve on Sept. 24

Attorney George Spatcher, Attorney and ALT Board Member Patrick Sullivan, Land Donor Ted Charron, ALT President Jay Burby, and ALT Board Member Charlie Adler, at the closing for the donation of the Charron Farm Preserve.


The Charron Farm Preserve on Morse Avenue is not ready to be opened to the public yet, but there is work to be done.  

Volunteer help is needed to dig post holes for boundary markers and regulation signs.  Also, trees and shrubs need to be trimmed along the edges of the hayfields.  

We will meet at the property on Sunday, September 24, at 1:00 pm.  Rain date is Sunday, October 1, at 1:00 pm.


From downtown Attleboro, take County Street south for 3.8 miles.

Turn right onto Read Street and drive 1/2 mile.

Turn left onto Morse Avenue and drive 1/4 mile.

Stop next to the open field on your right, just after the recently-constructed home at 41 Morse Avenue.

Park on the edge of the road.

(Don’t rely on Google Maps, which mislabels part of Morse Ave. as Gillette Ave.)

Tools needed include:

Loppers, pruning shears, pruning saws, and other pruning tools

– Pole saws

String trimmers, weed whackers, brush cutters

– Tarps

Chain saw


– Post hole diggers

We will have some tools, but please bring what you have.  If anyone has a mechanical auger, please let me know.

Dress accordingly for protection against poison ivy and ticks.  Please bring your own:

Work gloves


Volunteers under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

If you are thinking of attending, please reply to give me an idea of how many volunteers to expect.

Thank you,

Charlie Adler

Chair, Property Management

Attleboro Land Trust